Wednesday 4 August 2021
Welton Gives Sermon
Labour Party,
The Church,
The Government
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Educated - Cardiff And Oxford University Leader: Constitutional 'Monarchy Wales' Leader: The Wales Campaign For Brexit
When we speak of our personal faith in Jesus there is a distinction to be drawn and clearly borne in mind. For there is a kind of belief that is wholly distinct from faith. It is called religion. Some unkind soul might even say the modern day Church of England, or the worldwide Anglican and Catholic Church to boot. With their predictable and dreary focus on the modern and the popular. The degenerate. The secular. For faith is the existence and power of God, the truth of His Word, and facts that even Satan himself cannot deny. For The Bible says that "The Devil also believes and trembles" but this is not a sign of faith. (James 2:19). For where there is faith there is not only a belief in God's Word, but a full submission of the will to it. A rejection of what you want and hold dear. For where the heart is yielded to Him, the affections fixed upon Him, there is faith. Not secularist ideology. A faith that works by love and purifies the soul is a faith that seeks continually to renew your heart in the image of God. The heart that is not in the renewed state is not subject to The Law of God. But the heart in the renewed state delights in The Lord. Delights in His Teachings. In this way the righteousness of The Law is fulfilled within us. (Psalm 119:97). You are filled by The Holy Spirit. So just obey it. (Romans 8:1). You will then realise your character is imperfect. Your life faulty. So let your heart be renewed by The Holy Spirit. Do not draw back into despair! Know your shortcomings. Your human frailty. This human weakness. So do not be discouraged. Do not just lose hope. For even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast out, forsaken and rejected. So do not be dejected. For Christ is at the right hand of God who maketh His Intercession for us on our behalf. (1 John 2:1). For The Father Himself does love you when all reject you. (John 16:27). He desires to fully restore you to Himself. To see His own purity and holiness reflected and alive in you. Wow! What a mission. And if you yield yourself and your family to Him, He that hath begun Good Work inside of you will carry it forward to The Day of Judgement. Rejoice! Believe me. For when I was young I did not believe. I thought it strange, potty and crazy too. But I have seen The Light and now know the joy of what loving Jesus means. So can you. Indeed if you give yourself to Him and accept Him as Saviour then as sinful as your life may have been, for His Sake you are accounted righteous. You will know this joy too as Christ's character replaces your own character. More than this Christ changes your heart, mind and soul too. He then abides in your heart, not through a Church doctrine, but by faith. You therefore must maintain a connection with Christ. Continue to surrender your will to Him. Pray more fervently, believe more deeply, and obey more fully. For you be as a slave for Him. Do not hold back. Allow the vivifying influence of The Lord to work deep within you and also on your children. Making them alive by arousing The Spirit of God deep within them. Developing their wonder, faith and belief - so they too can know the joy of The Lord and feel what it means to be a Christian. Realising we are His slaves they will quite naturally be curious about it. They will want to know why and experience it for themselves. Let them. They will slowly begin to know and to understand. For the closer you all come to Jesus, the more wicked this world will seem. But you see your vision will be clearer. Your imperfections will be seen in broad daylight. In broad and distinct contrast to His perfect nature, you will see The Light as your evil is brought into the light. Take heart. For this is evidence that Satan's delusions in you have lost their power. Indeed no love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realise its own shortcomings and weaknesses. If we do not see our failure, it is proof we have not had our full view of The Lord. Put on your spectacles and walk. Put on your glasses and believe. Pick up your spy glass and think.
The greater part of our Saviour's life on earth was spent in patient toil and service in the carpenter's shop at Nazareth. Ministering angels attended The Lord of Life as He walked side by side with labourers, peasants and servants. Unnoticed, unrecognised and unhonoured. Yet He was as faithfully fulfilling His Mission while working at His humble trade as when He later healed the sick or walked on water at Galilee. So in our most humblest of duties and lowliest positions in life, we too must work hard for Jesus. Whether we be aristocratic Lord or just his lowly servant, our calling and our obedience are the same. A shared and collective experience and endeavour. Uniting us in a shared focus. Uniting us in the shared love. For they must both conduct their work in a way that will glorify their Master in Heaven. In the words of that great hymn All Things Bright And Beautiful which I too sang at school, we are called to serve and to obey whether we be "the rich man in the castle or the poor man at his gate". As The Apostle says: "Let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with our God." (1 Corinthians 7:24). For if we are the true followers of Christ, we must carry our faith into everything we do and, by so doing, hopefully reveal to other men The Spirit of Christ. For everyone who names the name of Christ should work so hard with utter devotion in all they do that others, seeing the good work but not yet convinced of The Faith, may also be led to glorify their Creator, their Redeemer, their Master. Many men have excused themselves from rendering their gifts to the service of Christ because others were perceived as possessing superior qualities, talents and, of course, education. The opinion has prevailed, especially in the past in Britain, that only those who are especially talented and gifted are required to consecrate their abilities to the service of God. It has come to be understood by many that talents are given to only a certain social class or proud lineage. To the exclusion of others from the lower classes who are not needed or required when it comes to "the important stuff". Of course this is true but it should never become an excuse for inactivity or not bothering. Nor should it be an excuse, as we saw with the Brexit vote, to disparage, dismiss and reject those who we believe to be from the lower classes. With a loving spirit then we must all perform life's duties "as to The Lord". (Colossians 3:23). For if the love of God is in the heart, it will surely be manifested in your life. You are not to wait for great moments or occasions before you go to work for God. Nor must you wait until you possess the extraordinary talents and abilities that you think are required. Indeed like me you must not have a thought of what the world will think of you. For if your daily life is a testimony to the purity and sincerity of your faith, and others are convinced that you desire deeply to benefit them, your humble efforts will not be wholly lost. The humblest and poorest of the disciples of Jesus can be a true blessing to others. They may not realise that they are doing any special good, but by their unconscious effort and influence they may start the waves of a Blessing that will widen and deepen. Blessing all of mankind. The Blessed Result we may never know until the day of our final reward with our Master who art in Heaven. Therefore do not feel or know you are doing something great. Do not wear yourself out with anxiety about success. Go forward quietly. Doing patiently and faithfully the work that God's Providence assigns. Fulfilling God's Destiny for you as He has Assigned through His Divine Right. Whether aristocrat or servant. This way your life will not be in vain. The miracle that was your own birth not wasted. That one in a billion chance. He gave you life so you may use the talents, gifts and abilities which He Endowed you with at your conception. So use them. So you may serve and honour Him until your life's end.
People often say "Jesus wept". This is because He was never known to wear a smile. Our Saviour was instead a Man of Great Sorrows and well acquainted with sadness, pain and despair. His life was no picnic. For He opened His heart to all the woes of man and they all came a tumbling in. But yet even though His short life was self-denying and shadowed with pain and concern, His spirit was never crushed. He was never defeated. Like Britain. Jesus was a brave soul who was sorely pressed and tested by temptation. Completely misunderstood in his age. As we are. Yet it never fails to surprise me how many people say they don't know about Christianity and that they also cannot cope with life. They are seemingly ready to faint or perhaps die with the inner conflict within them. With this fight against The Power of Evil amongst us that we all must face. Especially the Coronavirus. Indeed isn't it revealing how many people cannot cope with the trials and tribulations brought on by this plague. They can't seem to live without the pub, a pint, a round of golf, a drive in the car and, of course, an annual foreign holiday or three. How sad. How middle-class. Such weak people. "They should go and grow some," as the great political leader Donald Trump once said. They also need to grow a spiritual relationship with Christ. For the number of young people, in particular, suffering from "mental health difficulties" is quite shocking and alarming. It has gone through the roof. Their lack of preparedness for all of this is quite dreadful. They should be laughing and joking about it all, not threatening to slit their wrists. But we should not blame them. They have been let down. This situation has come about because so many people today have become disconnected from The Christian Faith. They feel the need to give someone a call but find they have been stranded in the countryside without the mobile phone signal. A problem created by thirty years of trendy, dodgy and highly questionable teaching methods in our schools. Especially state schools. Gone are the days of traditional Christian teaching methods based on sound moral guidance, workable practical values, and basic principles. Indeed children are taught to place their faith in Mindfulness, Yoga and The Teachings Of The Buddha (in case anything else causes great offence). Anything but Christianity is taught seemingly. Let's have some Hinduism and Islam instead whilst embracing the latest ramblings of some Leftie Communist idiot promoting a new teaching theory. Yet "none of us liveth to himself". (Romans 14:7). This also explains why the countenance of Jesus was one of peaceful serenity while bringing great joy, peace and gladness to others. This peaceful serenity came about because He had surrendered Himself completely and obediently to God's Will. So then with us. However this only comes about when, after receiving the most wonderful invitation you will ever receive, you become His slave. For Christ is the only way to lasting peace and, if we keep uppermost in our minds the unkind and unjust acts of others (like those on The Left often do), we shall find it impossible to love as Christ has loved us. How sad. Rather you should be pleased and grateful to have been born and called to be His slave. Not bitter, resentful and frothing at the mouth with hate. Like all those Leftie protesters with their evil and devious 'Kill The Bill' placards. But if your thoughts dwell upon the wondrous love and pity of Christ for us, this same Spirit will flow out to others. We should love and respect one another, notwithstanding the faults and imperfections that we cannot help but see. Therefore as The Psalmist said: "Trust in The Lord and do good. So thee shall dwell in the land and verily thou shall be fed. Trust in your Lord." (Psalm 37:3). Indeed it is only through Him that we can find the way to Lasting Peace, Salvation and Eternal Life. Not through Socialist Dogma or Marxist Ideology. Not through the Secular Theology.
When I was young I thought it mad. I then went mad. It made sense.
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